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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Latest Apple iphone consist Of Alarm Problem!

Apple iPhone is one of the hot product in the international market. Which was first introduced in the market on January 9,2007. At present Apple marketing the 4th generation iphone released on June 24, 2010.

On the eve of 2011 iPhone marketing huge number of their product. And from 1st January,2011 they got claim that the alarm system does not work properly. Most of the customers think it will be solve automatically after some days but these was not so. But the fault on alarm does not affect the other function of the phone.Though the present version is the latest version so customers cannot reject the product. 

From apple it said that these may happen for the problem of Software Upgrading. Through a statement they said, the problem would resolve itself. But  some users reported on  Twitter that their alarms sounded properly. So these problem fall into a great trouble who wake up by using the device.